Photographic exhibition “+Retrats Viscuts”

It is a great pleasure to invite you to attend to the opening of the photographic exhibition:

“+Retrats Viscuts”
organized by the Agrupació Fotogràfica d’Arenys de Mar and the Arenys de Mar city council

+Retrats Viscuts

Just like the first exhibition, “+Retrats Viscuts” are portraits of people that had become popular in the village due their profession or activism.

This year I have had the opportunity to photograph the poet Teresa d’Arenys  and the theatre director Jordi Pons. The resulting portraits has been published recently in this blog under the tag “Lived portraits“.

One more year working with the subjects has been a great experience.

I wish you enjoy “Retrats Viscuts”!

Teresa d’Arenys

Teresa d'Arenys

Poet and cultural activist.

This picture belongs to Album Lived portraits

Maria Teresa Bertran gently offered the following unpublished poem to accompany her portrait (in catalan):

NEIGE D’ANTAN (divagació en un cementiri marí)
A Montserrat Gras Riera, que ha partit en ser besàvia

Una naixença?
Vida que empeny la vida,
vida que arriba
i amb brisa imperceptible
mena la nostra barca

devers el trànsit.
En un tombant de lluna
entre la llum i l’ombra
semblen resoldre opòsits…

Una pregària?
Provar de retrobar-te
per les segures,
intemporals cruïlles
on la vida és impresa.

I de cop sobte
la mar, tardors i pluges
que enamoraven
et rescaten del somni
del buit, et recuperen.

Però, les maneres!
Com trobem a faltar les
d’aquelles dames
que Villon evocava…
I n’eres una, d’elles!

maig 2015

Jordi Pons Ribot

Last year exhibition “Retrats viscuts” had a great success in Arenys de Mar. As a result, a new edition is ready.

“Retrats viscuts” or “Lived portraits” was a collection of portraits of people from Arenys de Mar. All of them were older than 60 years and have had a significant public live in the village. This year 35 new portraits will complete the collection.

My contribution to the exhibition are the portraits of Teresa d’Arenys, poet, and Jordi Pons, theatre director. I really enjoyed to work with them.

Jordi Pons Ribot

Theater director.

This picture belongs to Album Lived portraits

Photographic exhibition “Retrats Viscuts”

It is a great pleasure to invite you to attend to the opening of the photographic exhibition:

“Retrats Viscuts”
organized by the Agrupació Fotogràfica d’Arenys de Mar and the Arenys de Mar city council

Exposició Retrats Viscuts al Calisay

“Retrats Viscuts” are portraits of 33 persons that had become popular in the village due their profession or activism.

I have had the opportunity to photograph three well known person of Arenys the Mar for this exhibition. The resulting portraits has been published recently in this blog under the tag “Lived portraits“.

The experience has been very rewarding because portraiture is not one of my habitual photography disciplines, and also because I have had the opportunity to share very close and special moments with the portrayed person.

I wish you enjoy “Retrats Viscuts”!