Arenys de Mar. Maresme.
This picture belongs to Album Portrait
Arenys de Mar. Maresme.
This picture belongs to Album Portrait
Today the digital technology allow us to easily transform an image in multiple ways. One of them is to choose the colour palette: full RGB, greyscale, duotone, … But as photographer, I visualize the final result of an image at the moment to shoot the camera. That is the reason because only exist one version of each of my photographies.
Today, as exception, and because of the comment of the friend Ramon Pruneda, I have decided to update this post to include a colour version of the original picture in black and white.
Catedral square. Barcelona.
Catedral square. Barcelona.
This picture belongs to Album Social
El Montsant.
This picture belongs to Album Landscapes
Last days I have been talking with the colleagues Ramon Pruneda and Marcos Ferreiro about the use of contrast as expression tool in black and white photography.
My pictures usually have a lot of deep blacks. Let me change a bit , even if it is because of the fog …
El Montsant.
This picture belongs to Album Landscapes
Arenys de Mar. Maresme.
This picture belongs to Album Inner emptiness
Arenys de Mar. Maresme.
This picture belongs to Album Inner emptiness